Yo duckies, what's going on? I hope you're feeling beautiful today because...you are, duh! lol
Earlier today (when it wasn't below 100 degrees like it is now, at 4:47AM), I thought it would be nice to be outdoors. I took my personal green folding chair and I sat outside for a bit, taking in as much fresh(ly-polluted) air as I could.
It was absolutely refreshing, being one with Mother Nature (when she isn't sassing the world because no one can see her).
Speaking of one with nature, I recently find myself less dependent on electronic forms of communication...only when I don't have any set appointments with fellow A-Listers. But what really sasses me red is I have to send emails from my laptop nowadays.
Duckies, Blackbird easily sends out emails...even while it plays music; every email had its own song. I miss that! Come back to life Blackbird!
Being the A-Lister that you know me to be I was walking about campus today and OMG...I ran into Jon. Jon is the nicest kid in the world and...he has a BlackBerry; how better can he possibly get? Anywho, I told him my parents were punishing me (blaming me for the crazy bill...I have no idea how my bill almost exceeded $500) by keeping my phone off until Friday. Jon told me his bill was $600 this month...I smell a Verizon BlackBerry conspiracy.
Verizon Wireless get it together. I know your purpose in life is to follow that annoying guy around the U.S. in every commercial but cut me some slack. My BlackBerry is my life; cut the $hit!
In other news, I picked up my first Playboy Magazine today.

What caught my attention was Aubrey O'Day; yes, she posed for Playboy's March 2009 edition. (She's beautiful...don't sudge her!) The nudity didn't really excite me (we all know what team I'm on) but I did observe the naked women. I am a beauty enthusiast and I fell in love with the magazine, only a couple pages in. Aside from the nudity (I thought this was a myth) the articles are well-written and witty. I liked the magazine so much that I'm going to mail my subscription card later today...yaaaay! I need Playboy Magazine in my life.
OH, I forgot to mention this! As you know the J Boys (Justin and Jordan) were on our show last night and they were as fun as usual. (You should have been listening duckies!) Before the show they told me they had a surprise for Rockstar and I. I thought they were going to make us t-shirts or something...ha!
Justin and Jordan created an online "Rar-Rar" gift shop for us! OMG, I was almost in tears when they showed us but the caffeine pills wouldn't allow it.
OH, I forgot to mention this! As you know the J Boys (Justin and Jordan) were on our show last night and they were as fun as usual. (You should have been listening duckies!) Before the show they told me they had a surprise for Rockstar and I. I thought they were going to make us t-shirts or something...ha!
Justin and Jordan created an online "Rar-Rar" gift shop for us! OMG, I was almost in tears when they showed us but the caffeine pills wouldn't allow it.
The link to the shop is http://cafepress.com/rarrar. We have everything: tote bags, t-shirts, notebooks, thongs, mugs, flip HD cameras, baby bibs, posters, hoodies, chocolate. (Okay, we don't have our own chocolate...yet lol.) Our faces are on everything...but it is done is such a tasteful manner. And who wouldn't want my face or Rockstar's face on everything?! I'm sure blind people would even want our gear...what?! lol
Jordan...Justin...I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything.
Okay duckies since we're on a good note let's get to some "Words of Wisdom."
"In order to build something substantial you must first create a strong belief. It is only with an unwavering sense of belief that you can build something beautiful. However, if you start pondering doubt more than faith, your substantial being will crumble before your eyes."
I had little mix-up with the date for Alyssa's B'Day celebration. It's actually scheduled for tonight...and I can't wait for the hibachi guy to melt my face off.
Okay duckies since we're on a good note let's get to some "Words of Wisdom."
"In order to build something substantial you must first create a strong belief. It is only with an unwavering sense of belief that you can build something beautiful. However, if you start pondering doubt more than faith, your substantial being will crumble before your eyes."
I had little mix-up with the date for Alyssa's B'Day celebration. It's actually scheduled for tonight...and I can't wait for the hibachi guy to melt my face off.

Leana: You are my beautiful moon. (I didn't say Sun because it's so annoying when you see it creeping through your windowsill, when you're up as late as I usually am.) I love you. Thank you for being you.
Molly Red: I love you.
Ms. Labrie: It sucks that I only got to hang out with you for no longer than two hours last night. I want you to know that I love you and I love hanging out with you. We have to go to the shooting range...I want a bad-a$$ burn scar too lol. (Just not on my precious face...oh no!)
Eddie: Unfortunate things happen all the time and dealing with these situations productively is when we are able to see our true self. Keep your head up fam!
Evy: You sexy little cupcake, you! I understand things are not going as planned but I'm incredibly sure this is for the best. Yes, time waits for no one but sometimes time just needs to take a breather and stop pressuring us. We are only human but I see a great deal of strong preciousness in you. I am here if you need me. (You have to call me though...BlackBerry is still down lol). Love you!
Graham: Chile, what are you doing calling me at 3:02am? I was in the shower lol. I miss you! We need to do lunch today. I'll be in the library pretty much the entire day. Call me, you know I can't call you lol.
Pete: LOL, thanks for calling in the radio show twice last night and thanks for my first Playboy...aow! "You the bat, Bruce!"
Okay duckies, the Sun is creeping behind the clouds and I have tons of work to do today, yaaay!
I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson