(Here's a pic of my New Year's Eve Outfit. Aow!)

(Photo brought to you by BlackBird, my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry Storm.)
But duckies what scares me is my body's need for sleep now. I went to bed around 6am last night and I woke up at 3:48pm!

My body needs to get it together because I'm not trying to resort to drugs to keep up this A-List lifestyle. Glamour is my anti-drug! (Yaaaay!)
Speaking of drugs, I woke up today to Mommy BBMing me.
Mommy: "I'm picking up coffee capsules for you today. Alright? I'll try to mail them out this afternoon."
Duckies this isn't coffee. This is angel vomit: it comes in different colors and strengths. By the way the coffee capsules Mommy was referring to are for my Nespresso machine and it makes divine espresso drinks! You can only purchase these capsules at Bloomingdales. Mommy let me have one for my dorm room so I could sate my caffeine addiction. But more importantly, I need some money. I replied to her BBM:
"Screw coffee. I would rather much prefer money in my account."
Mommy replied:
"How about both? You'll get the money tomorrow."
Mommy, I effing love you. You are the best thing to happen to me.
Anywho, I love X-Men movies and last night (due to late night web surfing) I found the trailer for "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."
Here's the link.
It's coming out on May 1st! I cannot wait!
But you know what I can wait for duckies? Guilt. To shine light on this, listen to my...
Sass of the Week.
So as you know I woke up around 3:48pm today (to a beautiful text message from Francis--thank you sweetie--and a BBM from Mommy) and I was ready to take over the world. I had a slew of text messages and one of them was from my good friend Lily. It read:
"My roommate is having a 'party' tonight and there will be free food and beverages. You love me. Come."

I didn't go to the party because I don't do guilt celebratory sessions. Do you want to join Aaron in the Sass Corner? I really don't think you do so don't try to guilt me into seeing you by questioning how much I value our friendship. That was a bitch move.
(Wooohuh, had to let that out duckies.)
Luckily, after that I conversed (via BBM) with my dear people-friend Alyssa and she invited me along to dinner...well more like invited me to tag along with she and Lauren.
I had an absolute blast. We spoke about life and we giggled to A-List jokes and news. It was grand. But I've realized that I only eat one complete meal a day and I have snacks throughout the day. It's the new A-List diet: you eat your social life and you only dine when the Sun is still up...and only with other A-List folk.
OMG, I've realized that I haven't done the Word of the Week in so long.
The new "Word of the Week" is:
Cerd: A person possessing equal amounts of intellectuality and suave social skills.
(Person 1) "I had no idea Gabriel was on the President's list. He has such a grandeur social life."
(Person 2) "Girl, he is...

Okay, now to the order of business. Here are some "Words of Wisdom."
"The only goals you will achieve are the ones you can truly envision yourself with already. If you cannot fathom yourself functioning with your goals-in-question then they will always be unreachable. You can only do what you believe yourself to be."
I finally have a pic of Duckie Anderson, the Build-A-Duckie I made at "Up Til Dawn."

Isn't he too adorable? He is the last "Look of the Week." (Even though I've only done one, I'm not feeling it anymore. We'll see what happens later.)
On that note, I have to put Duckie Anderson to bed.
I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true duckies.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson