Plus my supervisor is an executive editor of HarperCollins. She gave me some books (of my favorite flavor) to have. I started reading one, on the train ride home and in the author's acknowledgement section and my supervisor's name was in it! I looked at the other book and her name was in there as well. These aren't some rinky-dinky authors either; these are New York Times' Best Selling Authors. My supervisor is hardcore.
My job is like a regular job; unlimited diet coke, coffee, office supplies, I work from 9:15am-5:15pm, and there is tight security. Security is so tight that you need an access card just to enter and exit your floor (by stairs or by elevator). I love it so much though. Everyone I've met in the office is fabulous, no sass whatsoever. In addition, I get an hour lunch break and I have my own email address at HarperCollins. (I love my life.)
Anywho, let's get to the quote of the day Dec. 17th:
"When great things happen in your life don't suspect something bad to happen, doing this ends the flow of greatness. Great things come to those who think with great positivity; keep those great thoughts flowing and your life will do the same."
It's getting late and I have to leave my house around 8am to get to work so I gotta let you beauties go. I wish you all the best of happiness. Stay true kids.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson