(F$%k you negative energy!)
Anywho, a lot of people, commercials, tv shows and movies are starting to say the word "sass" now. Every time I hear someone say "sass" I know my eyes twinkle. I just love saying and hearing the word "sass." Say it out loud ("sass"). Say it again ("sass") Louder...("SASS!") Okay, now I really want you to say it because I know you haven't said it yet. Say "don't sass me." From now on whenever someone talks back to you, speaks to you with a tone or has an attitude I want you to say "don't sass me!" But make sure to accompany it with a gesture; maybe a stern, expressive face or forceful hand movement. (It's probably best to practice these gestures in the mirror so your S.D.A. -sass deflection action- is on point.)
Anywho, I just finished watching season one of HBO's "True Blood" and I found out that I have to wait until Summer '09 to see the second season. I am soooooo over it. But I am not over the quote for tomorrow, Nov 29th:
"Giving up is the easiest thing to do but enduring the obstacles thrown at you takes character. However, sometimes it's best to end habits that won't benefit you in the long run. Weigh out your options and...quit responsibly."
Before you go, Gabriella helped me out with a photoshoot and I'd like to share these photos
with you. (I love Gabriella so much! Thanks for the photos lil' sis.)

(this is my favorite shot.)

(this is ascension-chic.)

(Well hello there.)

(this one is soooo sassy. I mean look at the sleek umbrella.)
I put my heart into these so don't sass me lol. I feel so much better now that I'm sharing my life with you. Thank you for being you. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Stay true pretties.
Gabriel Anderson