Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sassy Candy

My precious duckies, how are you? I know all is well because that's how life should be lived. Yesterday I forgot to mention that I watched a couple movies with Monica, Yunie and Raynell.

We watched "Hard Candy"

and "The House Bunny."

"Hard Candy" is one of the most mind-boggling movies I've ever seen; I'll only tell you its about a 14 year-old girl and a 32 year-old man. (Go see it.)
"The House Bunny" is an adorably inspiring film about an ex-playmate revamping a "loser" sorority. (Go see that too!)

I love watching movies with Monica, Yunie and Raynell because we all talk and laugh throughout the movie without anyone caring. Plus, we're so comical and witty. And yesterday I learned something new from Yunie.

Don't laugh at me duckies...I didn't know "Indie" meant "Independent."

I'm sure a few of you duckies didn't know the meaning either. lol
I thought "Indie" was a cool new term for artsy things. (I've been having a blonde year duckies. I'm sorry lol.)

Anywho, I was speaking to a good friend of mine today (via AIM) and it was so good to hear from him. Axel is studying abroad at NYU this semester and he had a midterm today. He told me that my blog kept him sane because he made himself calm down and didn't focus on the stress. He thinks he did incredibly well on it.

I am so proud of you Axel and I'm glad my blog could be of service to your A-List life.
OH! While I was conversing with Axel via AIM, I was at the library. Duckies, I know sometimes we see our friends at the library and we may sit next to them and converse with them and not get any work done...well at least I do lol. Anywho, this one girl decided to call her bank to cancel three of her credit cards!

Not one, not two but three!

It would have been excusable if she had called her Mom to fill out her FAFSA or something. But no! This girl was rambunctious and kept saying "I can't afford it, I can't afford it." Luckily, I just finished making a new playlist on my BlackBerry Storm so I drowned her out with Beyonce.

Okay duckies, it's time for some "Words of Wisdom."

"Believing in faulty people will only lead to disappointment. When choosing a person to rely on make sure you find concrete evidence of their value as a person and if they're worth your time. And if they don't believe in themselves...why waste your time when you can use some belief for yourself?"

Someone just prank called me. I must admit, I have prank called several folk back in the day and I've witnessed people get prank called. But people...that was in high school. The only person in high school that has my number is Gabriella and she doesn't have time to prank call people; she's too busy with her jetsetting life.

Ergo, if you're a college student and you're still prank calling people...maybe you should rethink your career path. Try telemarketing, it's just as annoying as your personality.
With that being said, I wish you the best of happiness. (To the prank caller: I wish you the best with your unfulfilled life.) Stay true duckies.

Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson

Confused Snow

Hey duckies. I am so out of it right now. It's been such a randomly confusing and eventful day. First and foremost I would like to thank every duckie for believing in the snow day.

Today was amazing. I went to bed around 7am; I was up late creating a personal essay, (about the lady who sassed me, about her resistant M&M's). I think it came out really well. I didn't do anything really today. I conversed with my suitemates (it was so fun) and I had the privilege of being on "Notorious Shenanigans and Kontraband."

This phenomenal radio show comes on Mondays from 7PM to 8PM (listen to it online at wsam.hartford.edu--or on campus-- channel 5 or 105.3 FM). Kevin (DJ Skinny) and Tyler (T-Mac) are the best. They even let me go On Air with my dear people-friend Francis. Love you guys.

But you know what I don't love duckies...bisexual men.
Nick (a bisexual male) called me last night as I was writing my personal essay.

The conversation went along these lines:

Me: (sighing) Hello Nick.
Nick: (cheerful) What are you still doing awake?
Me: (taking a sip of Yellowtail) I'm writing a personal essay.
Nick: (saying something for the hell of it) Oh, it's your essay?
Me: (tired, sassy) Evidently if I'm writing it.
Nick: (disregarding the sass) Oh okay...so what's up?
Me: (abrasive) Why are you calling me?
Nick: (pausing) It seems like everyone I've called is sleeping already.
Me: (blunt) Why don't you continue your search.
Nick: (whining) You don't wanna talk to me?
Me: (hanging up) Good night Nick.

Bisexuality aside, it seems as though Nick can't seem to grasp the fact that we are longer and will never be a couple. This sense of confusion reminds me of all bisexual men, (well at least the ones I've dealt with).

I feel as though bisexuality is like being Diet Gay. I know life is hard but being a chameleon of sexuality isn't fair to people. If you're willing to be involved with someone let them no upfront what team you wanna join.

But duckies, in order to be able to let other people know what team you want to join, you have to be able to honestly evaluate what kind of player you are.

Okay duckies, here's some more philosophy. Here are some "Words of Wisdom."

"Never allow yourself to be distracted by attractive distractions. In order to steer clear of frivolity make sure to stay focused on the goal at hand and to efficiently evaluate the significance of distractions. Focus is key to success."

Okay duckies, I am tired from this day of fun and enlightening confusion. Believe in yourself.
I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true.

Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson