My suitemates and I are starting to really get along; we shoot the shit more often then ever now. This is cool. (For all my gameheads out there, we were playing God of War 2 again for the umpteenth time this weekend and it's still amazing. I can't wait for God of War 3 to grace us with its presence.) For all those who look forward to Reverend Phelps' inspirational business day text messages I do apologize. Verizon sucks when it comes to mass texting so I figured BlogSpot would do the job with more efficiency and with less headaches. I am going to write the quote of the day, the day before so people can see it. So for example, today's blog (Nov 16th) will have the quote for tomorrow (Nov 17th). But remember the quotes will only be provided for business days. I'm sure you guys can take care of yourself on the weekends. The quote for tomorrow (Nov 17th) is:
"People who can't accept change are usually the ones who can't function without a comfort zone. Break free of those insecurities and experience life without boundaries. You are the only thing standing in the way of your beautiful future."
You better love that quote because I do. I have no idea where these quotes come from but they're always in my head. Maybe this is the start of my career as a life coach, who knows? But right now my heart is set out to be the editor-in-chief of Details Magazine by 26. Speaking of fashion (Details is a heavily-dependent fashion magazine), I love today's outfit so I had to take some photos. I have to get ready for a late dinner with a dear friend of mine so I'll leave you guys with these sexy pictures.

Two of my friends told me they look like Gap ads...I am flattered lol. Well anywho, I'll talk to you guys later. Stay true.
Gabriel Anderson