Hello duckies. I hope all is well because life is pointless if you can't enjoy every minute of it. I've been listening to Lily Allen's new album "It's Not Me, It's You" all day today.

I'm going to say it's one of the best albums of 2009, as of now. I like music that I can do anything to: laundry, walking to class, Pilates, hosting a wine and cheese gathering, online shopping, Facestalking...you know the usual. Music is pretty much my life. Thank you for blessing us with your glory Lily.
Speaking of blessing the world with glory, Francis and I had our first date today at the Nest. It was a blast.

We gossiped, we drank Coca-Cola and we conversed about our day. She wasn't feeling quite like herself today but somehow I managed to pull her out of her stump. Thank you for being gorgeous duckie. Keep your sexy face smiling!
OH! I forgot to mention what happened this morning/afternoon. As you may or may not have known I've been so drained for the past couple days. Being a tired little A-Lister, I fell asleep before setting my alarm and my body took advantage of that. I slept from 4am to 1pm! Who does that?! Oh yeah, bears do! It's called hibernation.

I felt so rejuvenated after my slight-coma but when I woke up I almost shat my pants. There was huge flat spider in the ceiling corner...above my bed!

Duckies, this thing was huge. It was at least two inches wide. It was a Hunstmas Spider. I ran to my closet and hit it with one of my Calvin Klein shoots (shoe boots) and I smeared his body-sludge a little bit so his friends will know not to party in my room.
In other news, I was talking to Mommy today and we were conversing about how Dells suck. She proposed that I get a Mac...of course she would be paying for it. But I don't want any Mac, I want one that stands out.

Look out for me after Spring Break duckies; I'll probably be wielding a Mac by then.
In addition to a new computer, I definitely need to go shopping.

I don't even remember the last time I went shopping and that's never a good sign. (Online shopping doesn't count, it's like window shopping with delayed delivery.) I love walking down the streets of SoHo with a slew of bags. Oh the glory!
Okay duckies, it's time for some "Words of Wisdom."
"Being heavily critical of yourself is the worst thing to do because there's never an end to your critique: you sleep with negativity on your mind and you wake up flustered. Mistakes are bound to happen and beating yourself up about them makes things worse. Give yourself a break...you're beautiful."

Melanie: I applaud you for staying in that hellish class. I couldn't deal. Also, I just want you to know that I appreciate you. You've been there since the beginning of "The Sass Corner," even before it was called that. Thank you for being wonderful.
Emma: You have no idea how much I loved your poem today. I was so happy that you loved my letter and I'm glad I have someone to BBM in class.
Pete: Good luck in New York.
Okay duckies it's time for me to head out and find an adventure. I love that my weekend starts on Thursday. Yaaaay! (For those duckies who have engagements tomorrow...good luck waking up lol.)
I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson

I'm going to say it's one of the best albums of 2009, as of now. I like music that I can do anything to: laundry, walking to class, Pilates, hosting a wine and cheese gathering, online shopping, Facestalking...you know the usual. Music is pretty much my life. Thank you for blessing us with your glory Lily.
Speaking of blessing the world with glory, Francis and I had our first date today at the Nest. It was a blast.

We gossiped, we drank Coca-Cola and we conversed about our day. She wasn't feeling quite like herself today but somehow I managed to pull her out of her stump. Thank you for being gorgeous duckie. Keep your sexy face smiling!
OH! I forgot to mention what happened this morning/afternoon. As you may or may not have known I've been so drained for the past couple days. Being a tired little A-Lister, I fell asleep before setting my alarm and my body took advantage of that. I slept from 4am to 1pm! Who does that?! Oh yeah, bears do! It's called hibernation.

I felt so rejuvenated after my slight-coma but when I woke up I almost shat my pants. There was huge flat spider in the ceiling corner...above my bed!

Duckies, this thing was huge. It was at least two inches wide. It was a Hunstmas Spider. I ran to my closet and hit it with one of my Calvin Klein shoots (shoe boots) and I smeared his body-sludge a little bit so his friends will know not to party in my room.
In other news, I was talking to Mommy today and we were conversing about how Dells suck. She proposed that I get a Mac...of course she would be paying for it. But I don't want any Mac, I want one that stands out.

Look out for me after Spring Break duckies; I'll probably be wielding a Mac by then.
In addition to a new computer, I definitely need to go shopping.

I don't even remember the last time I went shopping and that's never a good sign. (Online shopping doesn't count, it's like window shopping with delayed delivery.) I love walking down the streets of SoHo with a slew of bags. Oh the glory!
Okay duckies, it's time for some "Words of Wisdom."
"Being heavily critical of yourself is the worst thing to do because there's never an end to your critique: you sleep with negativity on your mind and you wake up flustered. Mistakes are bound to happen and beating yourself up about them makes things worse. Give yourself a break...you're beautiful."
Melanie: I applaud you for staying in that hellish class. I couldn't deal. Also, I just want you to know that I appreciate you. You've been there since the beginning of "The Sass Corner," even before it was called that. Thank you for being wonderful.
Emma: You have no idea how much I loved your poem today. I was so happy that you loved my letter and I'm glad I have someone to BBM in class.
Pete: Good luck in New York.
Okay duckies it's time for me to head out and find an adventure. I love that my weekend starts on Thursday. Yaaaay! (For those duckies who have engagements tomorrow...good luck waking up lol.)
I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson