OH! Corey and I were at Chelsea Dog and this special lady came up to Corey and asked:

Being that we were having the time of our lives before balloon lady came, Corey responded (with a sassy-neck gesture): "Noo." The lady was shocked and replied "Oh...okay." Much to our surprise the lady tied the balloons to a phone booth...right outside of the Chlesea Dog restaurant. Corey and I were floored. (I have videos of this but my BlackBerry won't let me send it because the videos are too long. SASS!)
In addition to Friday's festivities, I met someone a couple days back and we decided to go out on Saturday evening. His name is Devin and he's amazing. We have sooooo much in common; we even have the same camera. Besides that he is an eloquent gentlemen and we spoke for hours, without the conversation dying. Devin is so A-List worthy, too.
Well to get into details we met at the Virgin Records, down at Union Square and immediately went to Republic. Republic is this inexpensive, chic Vietnamese restaurant that I love. It has the best food!

Devin never dined there so I decided there's no time like the present. He left very satisfied. After that we went to Starbucks, then walked from Union Square to Chinatown, conversing and not caring about anything but each other's voice. It was delightful.
Mircaculously enough we spotted a Pinkberry (this A-List yogurt hotspot) and we decided we weren't going to pass it up. I had fruity pebbles on mine and he had granola, almonds and captain crunch. The night was going along well until I saw William (the Pinkberry clerk) spelled my name wrong on the cup. My name read "Antoin" on the cup.
I tell ya, the sass never leaves me alone. Afterwards Devin and I decided to go to my house to watch "Sex and the City: The Movie." I'm so glad I can watch that with him and have him appreciate it as much as I.
With that being said let's get to the quote for today, January 5th:
"Never doubt yourself. Letting doubt into your thoughts contaminates your positive outlook on life. Believe in yourself and doors that were once closed will burst open, just for you."
I love you guys but I'm at work now. Oh! Here's a pic of my humble office.
I wish you the best of happiness and a spectacular day. Stay true pretties.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson
1 comment:
I love how animated your life is, even when you just take strolls around the city...
I look forward to hearing more about this Devin guy
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