Thursday, December 18, 2008

Deck the Halls with HarperCollins

Yo!  What's going on good-looking?  

(UPDATE: I am going to start posting before I head out to work because I usually find myself falling asleep when I get home; I'm a working man!)

Yesterday nothing really happened.  I went to an advertising meeting at 11am and then an editorial meeting at supervisor thought I'd be bored but I was really into it.  Then they had a holiday party around 4:30pm.  They held it in the office (every other year they have it in the Hilton down the block) and I wasn't feeling it.  You know us writers love to drink and good God, you should have seen the spread.  There was an entire table littered with untouched bottles and an additional end table holding the bottles in use.  Unfortunately, I was the "responsible-underaged intern" so I told them I couldn't drink.

Oh!  I heard someone say this in the office say something hilarious.  Someone was on the phone scheduling dates for book releases and book touring and it so happened that they scheduled a lot of events for February.  When they realized they did this they said:
"Fucking everything is in fucking February."  
For those "Englishlly (or) Rhetocially inclined"  that's a lot of alliteration. lol 

Anyway, let me give you the quote for today, Dec 18th:

"If you find yourself bored with your life, bring in something new to spice up your daily routine.  Sometimes it takes outsourcing to enrich what you already have.  After you add spice to your usual routine, I'm sure it'll look completely different."

With that being said, I have to run off to work.  I wish you all the best of happiness.  Stay true pretties.

Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson

PS. Check this video out please!  You guys know how much I love Beyonce and this little girl reassures my love.

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