Monday, November 2, 2009


Gabriel Anderson's page is currently under construction. However, to keep up with him during this hiatus (only until Monday, Nov. 9th, 2009) he has other social networking sites of his to visit,(ways of communicating with him).

The sites and links go as follows:

1) Twitter
Follow me. My username is: sassme (My homepage on Twitter is:
I put a lot of daily updates on it. I use almost as much as FaceBook on a daily basis.

My list of daily routine (with social networking sites, FaceBook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube.

1) FaceBook
2) Twitter
3) YouTube
4) Google

I'd like to thank you all for all the support, concern, constructive criticism, love, and future adventures we've spent together. I just want to show you the world duckies. Help me, help you, help us!

Before I go, look at my Lady Gaga costume that I wore on Halloween. It was so good.

(The Fame killed me lol)
I wish you the best of Mondays.

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