I was on my way to work and a lady comes onto the train and sits down right next to me. Everything is fine. She looks nice and she was reading a book. But as soon as I took a deep breath...I could smell alcohol on her. Not like on her breath but like coming from her pores. This lady was beyond drunk. She seemed functional but it smelled like I was sitting next to Amy Winehouse.

Luckily my stop was close enough that I wouldn't be drunk from inhalation. But the train ride back was even more of an experience.
I was reading Beyonce's interview (I'll get into details a bit later) and the doors open to the 125th Street station, and this lady rushes in and plops beside me. (Why do I attract crazy NYC women? Someone please tell me before I'm fondled. Anyway...) She wakens me from my Beyonce trance but its okay; rush hour is brutal and expected. I move on with my life and my eyes find the sentence they leaped from. Minutes pass by and I'm almost done with the article when the lady yawns...in my direction. And get this...she doesn't even cover her mouth.

She looked like she was trying to swallow a small child.

On top of that, her breath smelled like a mixture of hot dog water and fresh $hit. Fortunately, Beyonce was there to console me.
Speaking of Beyonce, I was proud of her article in "Giant." Her mother Tina (I found out from my friend Monica that her real name is Celestine) is hilarious. She was talking about how she would protect Beyonce when she was younger and if she got mad she would go into this "mama-bear/fight mode." When I read that quote I laughed out loud on the train. I couldn't contain myself...as I couldn't let the magazine hold a beautiful picture of Beyonce. The picture is now on the cork board, in my office at HarperCollins. My office is now complete lol.
Also Beyonce released two new videos:
What I appreciate about her artistry is that she can come out with something beautiful and new, without making a flop. And for all those Beyonce/Sasha protesters...f%ck you. Like Beyonce, I like trying new things but my ex Nick is back in my life. Even though I do have strong feelings for him, I have to be realistic. We're only going to be this close to each other until mid-January because that's when break ends and where reality sets in. I can't function on a long-distance relationship. I'm sorry. But having Nick around right now (he knows exactly how I feel) is just like having a teddy bear you know will always be there for you, as you will for it.
With that being said, let's get to the quote of the day for Dec 24th:
"Be realistic when setting goals because reality is relentless. However, this should not hinder you from believing in yourself. Only set goals you are willing to fully commit to."
It's getting late and I still have some business to tend to. I can't f$%king believe it's Christmas Eve right now! I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true kids.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson
1 comment:
they took diva off of youtube. WTF.
Have a blessed day
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