There was indoor ice skating, caricature painting, a Chinese letter artist, t-shirt creations, tons of sustenance, live music (by L'Shir and Hawkapella), game shows, giveaways, raffles, contests, board games, card games, coloring books and Build-A-Bear. And guess what duckies? I made a duck!!! His name is Duckie Anderson. He's so adorable; I have to take a picture with him to show you his gorgeousness.
OH! In addition to all of the mentioned festivities WSAM (the school's radio station) was there to play music. Rockstar and I were the first DJ's to go on and we had some hot jams. But when you have something great, people will hate. Duckies, they cut our show, unexpectedly, halfway through! Not the Up Til Dawn staff but Andy (the) Dick. Andy decided to prohibit anyone on stage so the divine A'Capella groups had to take our venue, halfway through our ridiculously phenomenal playlist.

Andy, I understand you hate your life and those who love their lives but cut the $hit. You're attitude toward everyone at "Up Til Dawn" was unprofessional and inexcusable. I hope your future career doesn't involve human relations because you're not going to get a job. And if you do you'll end up hating yourself even more (if that's even possible). For the sake of everyone, do something productive and positive duckie; don't be jealous of our lives.

Speaking of beautiful, Christina, Graham & I danced to "Single Ladies" in front of practically everyone last night.

I think I did exceptionally well since I haven't danced in so long. I just let Leroy (the hardcore performer inside) take over. (I've been told videos will be on Facebook shortly...oh goodie! lol)
Speaking of later, tonight is BSU's annual Fashion Show. This year it's called "Chronicles of Couture" and I believe it's going to be quite fabulous.
Monica is one of the jetsetting directors of the show and I can't wait to see it. Graham and I are getting front row seats...positive thinking! OMG, I have to get dressed.
Let's get to some "Words of Wisdom."
"Starting over is the biggest step one can take to benefit one's life. Experience is everything. Regardless of what happened in the past today is a new day to be fabulous. Believe in yourself and everything will be stupendous."
Okay duckies, I really have to jet to my room to get dolled up for the show. I wish you the best of happiness. Stay true.
Peace, love & Obama,
Gabriel Anderson